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I'm Kelsea and this is my blog about Gothic Literature.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Film: A Streecar Named Desire

I’m a huge fan of classic movies, but I had never seen “A Streetcar Named Desire”. I thought that cinematically speaking the film was amazing, the way that they used shadows to add to the drama of a scene and the way that music played every time Blanche remembered her dead husband. I also liked that they used all of the same actors (except Vivien Leigh) who were in the original play production of Streetcar. Tennessee Williams’ work is great and modern for its time. Streetcar is no exception; it tackles many issues of the day while putting a modern gothic spin on things. Overall I liked that the movie was gothic without being so much so. It kept the plot moving but used gothic such as the ratty apartment to supplement the film and only add to it.   


  1. I like how it added to the gothic scene by her always being in the dark. You can also think about how their apartment could be a castle to them compared to other apartments or other buildings around them. it might be a stretch. I agree that the music added so much extra to the suspense of the scenes were she remembered her dead husband. I think it's great that he was not afraid to bring up hot topics during that time and they still are in this day and time.

  2. I saw this movie when I was in high school, although after watching it in this class, I understand so much more. I did not understand the significance of the shadowing, or the use of light. When I watched this movie in high school I just thought Blanche was crazy. When all the symbols get pointed out to you it is a lot easier to understand the full significance why everyone is the way they are.
